
Direct Labwork

When you collect pieces of your health and well-being puzzle, you have a clearer picture of what is going on. This is such an amazing tool to have in our health and wellness toolbox! I’m so thankful to have this resource for myself in my health journey and be able to share it with you! If you would like to order your own labs, please click my affiliate link here.



Using my link costs you nothing. You receive discounted labs (at 50-80% less than you would pay elsewhere) in a safe, confidential, and convenient way. A small percentage of your purchase goes to support my work at Natural Solutions Health & Wellness. Thank you!!

Please Note

I am not a medical doctor and I cannot receive lab results directly from the lab, read or interpret labs, or diagnose or treat any medical conditions.

What I can do is share with you Dr. Alan’s optimal functional ranges for labs, guide you to resources to help you understand your labs; share with you food, lifestyle, and supplements you may want to consider based on your lab results. I will share anything I see that raises potential concerns or red flags that you may want to investigate further or discuss with your doctor.